Por donde empezar... FELIZ!  ha sido un fin de semana maravilloso.

Los talleres han sido una pasada, cuando los maestros son grandes es imposible no inspirarse, no renovar, agradecer que siempre hay mucho que aprender. Crecer.  Gracias a todos los alumnos como bien me dijisteis mucho había un ambiente increíble :)  Reencuentros y encuentros con grandes bailarinas. He conocido a gente maravillosa.
... FELIZ!

El show fue perfecto. Gracias a todos los artistas que dieron lo mejor de su danza, muchas horas de su tiempo, ilusión, y sueños cumplidos. Muchos son los nombres y apellidos que ponen cara a tanta profesionalidad: Alima Danza de Sonia Sampayo, Cia. Luna Conoriente de Lubna Shatki, Mnaura Proyect, G. Profesional de Gloria Alba con la Colaboración de Aurora Montero, G. Amaterur Gloria Alba y Baladi Sense. 
... FELIZ!

Pero un show  no sólo lo que se ve, sino también lo que hay detrás que hace que todo salga como debería ser: Ana Furió, David, Tony, Naima, Raquel y Meryem Melek, gracias por vuestro trabajo tan profesional.  Sois el equipo perfecto.
... FELIZ!

Mención quiero hacer a nuestro presentador, mi amigo ... su carisma es tal que rompe barreras: Willy
... FELIZ!

Gracias  Ángeles,  por que no se necesitan palabas muchas veces para el entendimiento, infinitas gracias por estar. 
... FELIZ!

Gracias a mi corazón Alvaro sin ti.... sabes que esto no hubiera sido posible. Y sonará tópico típico pero es real! Te quiero
... FELIZ!

Gracias a Gloria Alba, la mejor compañera de organización, las risas, los debates, las horas de teléfono, chats, ordenador... no los cambio por nada.! Tu responsabilidad, tu templanza, tu sensibilidad, tu apoyo, tu conocimiento...esas miradas de complicidad, esa lectura de pensamiento.
... FELIZ!

Aleksei and  Dariya thank you for trusting us, thanks for your work, thanks for the show and thanks for those shared laughter :) From Friday to Sunday has been a real pleasure, dance, eat, walk and sing ;) ... with you. We hope you you can take a wonderful memory of Madrid in your heart.

Trabajar con grandes profesionales es lo que hace que todo salga redondo! 


Rosa Mondaray


Where to start ... HAPPY! It has been a wonderful weekend.

The workshops have been a past, when teachers are great is impossible not to be inspired, not renewing, thankful that there is always much to learn. Grow up. Thanks to all students as well you said I really had an amazing atmosphere :) Reunions and encounters with great dancers. I have met wonderful people.
... HAPPY!

The show was perfect. Thanks to all the artists who gave the best of their dance, many hours of their time, enthusiasm and dreams fulfilled. There are many names who pretend to such professionalism: Alima Dance Sonia Sampayo, Cia Conoriente Moon Lubna Shakti, Mnaura Project, Gloria G. Alba Professional Collaboration with Aurora Montero, G. Amaterur Gloria Alba and Baladi. Sense.
... HAPPY!

But a show not only what is seen, but what is behind that makes everything goes as it should be: Ana Furio, David, Tony, Naima, Raquel and Meryem Melek, thank you for a very professional job. You are the perfect team.
... HAPPY!

Mention want to make our host, my friend ... his charisma is such that breaks down barriers: Willy
... HAPPY!

Thank Angeles that are not needed you palabas often for understanding, endless thanks for being.
... HAPPY!

Thanks to my heart Alvaro without you .... you know this would not be possible. And typical sounds cliché but is real! I love you
... HAPPY!

Thanks to Gloria Alba, the best companion organization, laughter, discussions, hours of telephone chats, computer ... I would not change it for anything.! Your responsibility, your temperance, your sensitivity, your support, your knowledge ... those knowing looks, this reading of thought.
... HAPPY!

Aleksei and Dariya thank you for trusting us, thanks for your work, thanks for the show and thanks for Those shared laughter :) From Friday to Sunday has-been real pleasure, dance, eat, walk and sing;) ... with you . We hope you you can take a wonderful memory of Madrid in your heart.

Working with great professionals is what makes everything goes round!


Rosa Mondaray

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